Thursday, September 6, 2012

I Caught My Mother Running!

Well, sort of.

You know how, as you age, you start to catch yourself saying things, doing things that sound or remind you of your own parents? I'm of an age where I am coming across this more and more.

The wrinkles on my face look sort of familiar. My hands have crossed the line from "young girl" to old lady with knots starting to form on my joints.

Tuesday, as the sun started to climb past the horizon and I plodded down a quiet country road, I caught a glimpse of my early morning shadow.

And the person bouncing along the blacktop with me was ... my mom.

I gasped. Then I laughed out loud.

She moves pretty good for an old girl!


marthamac said...

Where is the 'like' button? Too cute!

GaryAllanFan said...

I can only hope that I can move along as fast as Doris when I'm her "young" age!