Wednesday, September 12, 2012


 A 90-calorie brownie sounds good, right? Sounds like a pretty good way to knock out a chocolate craving. And when the box of Fiber One 90-calorie snacks are on sale 6 for $15 at the grocery store ... that's about $2.50 per box when normally they're $3.89 ...  it seems like a good deal, too.

The brownie box is bigger than the 90-calorie granola bar box. So I'm thinking the stuff inside will be bigger, correspondingly. It doesn't seem like an unreasonable thought.

Until I get them home and open said box. See for yourself. I'm disappointed.

The texture on the brownie isn't awful. I also tried the chocolate chip and it had that chemically enhanced "soft" texture which leaves you nothing to actually chew ... and you know it has a shelf life ranking up there with Twinkies. There's a bit of chemical flavor with both, too.

For my money, a real cookie, even if it clocks in at 150 calories or 200, would be much more satisfying. Two pieces of Dove dark chocolate for less than 100 calories is a way better deal all the way around.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ive had these and they are awful! chocolate chip vita tops are a better option.. still not a cookie or a brownie but not awful.-amber