Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Always Have a Plan (And a Plan B)

I have a rough idea of what my workout schedule is like by week. It varies with the season, injuries, training for a specific event. But I try to have a plan for "right now" so that I have something to hold myself to, if that makes sense.

Right now it looks like this:

Saturday and Sunday: Long road runs, preferably outdoors. 5 miles minimum. I do these as early in the morning as I can, so they don't interfere with my actual weekend.
Monday: Rest day. Rest day means REST day. It's good for my body and my brain. I like it on Monday because sleeping in a little on a Monday morning feels decadent.
Tuesday/Thursday: Run 3-4 miles indoors in the morning. Swim 1 mile after work.
Wednesday: Run 4 miles. Strength workout.
Friday: Run or swim or walk or bike or something. Strength workout.

I'm trying to work in at least three days of hip exercises.

What happens on which day can shift around a little, depending on my schedule. Last week, I swam Thursday and Friday, for instance. And today I didn't make it to the pool as planned due to an appointment that ran longer than I thought it would. So I'm moving to Plan B ... swimming on Wednesday and Thursday instead.

For me, making sure I get something done in the morning is critical ... because I never know what work will throw my way later in the day. If I get up and get it done early, I don't have to worry about something getting in the way.

I'm also excited to have my bike and trainer set up, because it gives me another alternative for aerobic activity when it's early/dark or when the weather outside is crappy.

What's your schedule?

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