Friday, October 19, 2012

My Road Crew

How many people get their new road bike custom fitted... in their own house, by a Trek expert? Not many, that's for sure. The dude in the green is my adorable hubs. (He's very proud of his gift-giving triumph and now wants to be called Mr. Good Stuff. Feel free to play along if you want to.) The guy on the right is my brother-in-law and personal bike authority. The two of them got my bike adjusted perfectly and then took it and the trainer to my workout room so I can pedal to my heart's content all winter long.

Which is a good thing, since my gift also included those fancy clip shoes/pedals and I need to learn how to use them. I think it's wise to figure out how to do this when the bike -- and therefore me -- can't fall over.

Look at Ms. Lexa in her new home:

(One of these days, I'm going to use my real camera and not my phone so the quality of these photos is a bit better. For reference, the walls in this room are really sort of an apple green, bright, but not obnoxious. And that beautiful bike is blue and white. Jim is still working on getting the doors hung and the trim up ... so there's nothing on the walls ... but I plunked that sign down in front of the treadmill JUST FOR YOU!) 


Anonymous said...

Love your workout room!! Keep us updated on how it goes!-Amber

Miss Daisy said...

We all might be waiting a while, Amber! We've lived here 4 years and I still have LOTS of empty walls. I don't have Tina's "touch" for making it all work right.

Anonymous said...

She's so good at decorating! I want her to decorate my house! Amber