Friday, October 12, 2012


After a long week of travel, a lingering cold and not enough sleep, I intended to make today "normal." Normal wake-up time, normal workout, normal eating. 

That didn't happen. 

I severely overslept. No time for a workout. No milk, no fruit in the house. I quickly showered and got ready, stopping to apply perfume and jewelry on the way out of my room.

And I could hardly get my wedding ring on. It literally took all I had to push, twist, jam that thing on my finger. It hurt. 

How weird, considering my wedding ring is normally quite a bit too big ... as in I'm afraid it will slide off my finger big. It's my "new" wedding ring and I have been toying with the idea of getting it sized for about 9 months because I am truly worried it will fall off one day. 

Surprised, I hopped on the scale and oh my gravy!

I saw a number that was the highest I've seen in more than a year. 

I'm bloated. Really bloated. After a week in the desert, working out consistently, walking a lot, and eating pretty OK, this surprised me. 

When I was bigger, I never experienced bloat. Water weight. Monthly fluctuation. Mostly, probably, because I didn't weigh myself and all of my clothes were loose. 

I'm still not quite sure what this is all about. My ring is still tight tonight, but better. 

I'm going to bed early tonight. And I'm going to run tomorrow. I'll keep you posted. 

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