Monday, October 29, 2012

Three Random, Unrelated Things

1. Roundy's brand Greek yogurt is really good. In fact, I might prefer it over Oikos.
2. I tried out my new bike on Friday and it was cool!
3. There should be a rule that goes something like this: "When I am taking off my pants in the YMCA locker room, you, Dear Cleaning Lady, should not strike up a conversation with me." I can tell you are very cheerful and probaby very friendly. And should we meet in the produce department or run into each other at the bank, I might like to make small talk. (OK, we both know that's a lie. I don't like to make small talk with anyone, ever ... no reflection on you.) But since I don't know you, I'm really not comfortable chatting with you as I peel off my underthings and get into my swimming suit.

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