Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Ride On!

I like to think that my journey to healthier is sort of a solo effort. I've never been a joiner and it's no accident that running and working out in my basement are my exercises of choice.

I don't consider myself outgoing, nor cheerful, nor particularly friendly. So group exercise has always been something I've stayed away from. I like to depend on me. I like to be the one in control. I like to prove to myself I can do it.

But my more lonely approach has disadvantages. Without a group, or a workout buddy, I miss out on the support they provide. The camaraderie. The motivation. The "I'll-do-it-for-you-and-you'll-hold-me-to-it" attitude.

My treadmill and my shoes don't really give me that cosmic hug.

I know and believe in the importance of that support. In my opinion, it's vital to the long-term success of the changes we have to make.

So where do I find it?

I find it in this blog. I find it in you guys. And I'm lucky enough to find it in sort of unlikely place.

My husband.

Now, he doesn't run with me. He's never been to the YMCA one time to swim or lift weights (though I'm paying for him to go, mind you ... and it only bothers me a little). He very rarely agrees to a 3-mile walk.

But he supports and encourages with the best of them. He understands how important this is to me and he helps me make it a priority. He gets up early and stands in the rain on race day. He listens to me bitch about my injuries and scheduling conflicts. He patiently waits for me to wake up, run, shower and get ready on weekend mornings, when he'd much rather already be at breakfast or knocking off errands.

He puts the clip back on the chip bag to keep me from eating more of them, for goodness sake.

And yesterday he surprised me with a road bike. Because I entered ONE bike event this summer and mildly complained that my bike wasn't as fast or fancy as others.

If you don't have this support system, find it. It's critical to your success. Use the people who read this blog as your sounding board. Use me ... I'm happy to help. Trust someone with your fears and your struggles and your triumphs. It matters. It will make your journey easier. And trust me, I know it's not always easy to bare your soul about something that hurts so much.

Believe in yourself first. And then let someone else believe in you, too.

I'd let you borrow my set-up, but I want to keep him all to myself.


Anonymous said...

It's so great that you have that support! Now seems an appropriate time to send a big shout out to my awesome running partner; GAF!

While I'm here I might as well let you all hold me to a booty makeover challenge. I'm in a wedding in 4 months and decided to focus my energies on my backside. I've taken my before picture so please harrass me to keep up with my booty bootcamp! Found some great exercises here: http://www.livestrong.com/article/137106-the-10-best-butt-exercises/

HR GIRL said...

Great post as always. I am coming to kidnap him and there will be no randsom!
One big reminder that I recently heard and it is absolutely true.....you can't out train a bad diet.

GaryAllanFan said...

Thanks Amber! And I will harass you as we continue supporting each other!

Miss Daisy said...

We already love your butt, Amber, but here's to a better one! And we're really hoping you share the before and afters!

Miss Daisy said...

HR Girl ... does this mean I get Walls? Is this like that show Wife Swap? Trust me, you'd probably return him after a very short while.

GAF and Amber ... Love the way you guys push and support each other!