Thursday, October 25, 2012

Sweet Potatoes 1 : Beets 0

Part of learning to eat better, for me, was trying different foods. When we cut out much of the boxed/pre-packaged/artificial-colors-and-sweetener stuff, our overall selection of food got smaller. Since I am someone who can't eat the same things day after day, I got bored quickly. I knew I needed to add some new foods to my repertoire to keep my taste buds interested.

The solution? Eating "seasonally." It helps keep costs down, because produce is cheapest in season, down and it provides variety in your menu.

Now that fall is officially here, I've been craving those flavors and textures.

Right now, I'm happy with butternut squash for soup, spaghetti squash to be used in place of pasta or stir-fried with other veg, sweet potatoes for oven-baked fries or simple roasters. These are foods I never ate prior to this little adventure.

I'm still buying spinach, but opting to saute it or toss it in soups and stews instead of eating it cold in a salad. And while I nosh on raw cauliflower and broccoli all summer long, now I want it steamed and simply seasoned with a little butter, salt and pepper. Or, maybe with a dusting of Parmesan.

But beets?

I've tried. I have really tried. From a can, on a salad, roasted in a little olive oil. And try as I might, I can't say I like them.

I can eat them. (Whereas I cannot eat a banana to save my soul. Instant gag reflex. Bleah!) And I do sometimes just because I know they're good for me.

But that's as far as I'll go.

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