Saturday, October 27, 2012

Holy Holiday Hysteria

It's here. 

The "Every-Social-Gathering-(of Which There Will Be Many)-Involves-Food" time of year. 

It's basically a pork-fest from now until Baby New Year arrives. Sigh. How did it get here so quickly? 

I have a week of vacation planned before Thanksgiving. And we all know that turkey day is the start of the water slide that flies through Christmas, college football bowl parties and the Super Bowl. 

It started at my house last night with a work team bonfire and Hallo-Weenie pigs in blankets. And pumpkin bread. And witches brooms made out of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and pretzel sticks. 

The best offense is a good defense, they say, so I'm spending some time in my head trying to get ready for the season. I need to wrap my head around my schedule and the events in it. I need to recommit to my workout schedule and find ways to ramp it up when appropriate. I need to find the determination inside to eat properly even when the temptations over-floweth. 

Take control of you. Pounds don't happen by accident. But sometimes they happen by apathy. 

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