Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Shameless Product Promotion: Water Mix-Ins

I am trying to keep up this water drinking thing. The goal is half of my body weight in ounces every day.

So for those of you (OK, for me) who aren't mathematicians, it works like this:

You weigh 100 lbs. Half of 100 is 50. That's 50 ounces of water.

And I weigh more than 100 lbs.

But I'm not a big fan of water. I'll drink it from a bottle, but I can't justify paying for water in a bottle, nor am I crazy about the environmental impacts of all those empties. I just don't care for it from a glass. Well, a GLASS glass is OK, but not a plastic or paper cup. I just can't do it. (This makes no sense, I know, since I'm willing to drink it from a plastic bottle, but not a plastic cup. Don't judge.)

So, to get all that water down, I'm testing water mix-ins.

My criteria? I prefer the natural flavors vs. the artificial ones. I like both powder and liquid. I don't like berry (strawberry/blueberry/mixed berry) because I don't find berry flavors to be thirst quenching ... they're too sweet.

My two absolute favorites? One has berry in the name and both contain artificial flavors. So ... so much for my so-called standards. Drink Mix-In Whore!

1. The powder packets of Ocean Spray White Cranberry Peach. Five calories per serving, but yummy.
2. The liquid squeeze bottle of Crystal Light Peach Bellini, again, five calories per serving. It's like having a cocktail in the middle of the workday.

What are your favorites?


marthamac said...

I like plain old fresh lemon in my water...lots of it. I also love the sparkling water they sell at's cheap and yummy
..lots of flavors and calorie and sodium free.

Amber said...

Crystal light has a peach and lemon ice tea mix that i really like. Also a fan of raspberry lemonade. You can also buy packets of crystalized orange and lemon (in the juice aisle). Lately Ive been filling a pitcher of water and lemon, orange, lime, tangerine (one at a time not all together) and leaving it in the fridge at work. I know Im a refridgerator hog but it has great flavor and I tend to drink more throughout the day.

Miss Daisy said...

MarthaMac ... I agree. Good ol' lemon or lime is simply perfect! And my "cocktail" of choice when I'm out for dinner and not wanting to drink my calories is Club Soda and lime. Looks like a real drink, costs me nothing!

Queen of Cheese ... you hog all the work fridge you want. The people that would complain are probably the same people that HAVE eaten my leftover pizza.

Oh, and just to be crazy ... sometimes I mix Seltzer/Club Soda/Sparkling Water/Bubbly Water (what you call it depends on where you live) with the powder or liquid mix-ins! Walk on the wild side!

The Crazy Readhead said...

I too LOVE the Ocean Spray White Cran Peach although I usually use only about one third of the packet per bottle. The only trouble is, I can no longer find them (or any of the other flavors) in ANY store and I'm so bummed! Are you still able to find them, and if so where? Many thanks. Love your writing style.....

Miss Daisy said...

Hi Crazy Redhead and welcome aboard! I'll be honest, I haven't looked for the Cran Peach in a while. I'm using Advocare's Spark (Fruit Punch) as my primary water mix in now. But I'll check at my store to see if I can find it. Thanks for reading!