Friday, May 3, 2013


I think I mentioned that a friend had started a Facebook group for a few friends who were looking for a place to talk about losing weight. She was issuing weekly challenges and one, a few weeks back, was to drink more water.

To the tune of 64-80 ounces a day.

For me it was hard at first. I wasn't used to drinking 64 ounces of anything and I peed a lot. A LOT.

I've been trying to keep up the sloshing as the weeks have gone by. Here's what I have noticed:

  • The more I drink the thirstier I am. 
  • My skin doesn't feel different.
  • I am still peeing. A LOT. They say your body gets used to it. I say, "Bullshit." 

Honestly, that's about it. I don't know if I'm doing something good because I just can't tell. I don't feel any different.

And, I'd still rather have a Cherry Coke Zero.

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