Thursday, May 30, 2013

Three-Day Break

I've been on a three-day exercise hiatus.

It was sort of unplanned. Since I landed at 11:45-ish Monday night, and didn't get home until after 1 a.m. Tuesday, waking up early to workout a few hours later simply wasn't in the cards.

By Tuesday afternoon, I was feeling really wiped out. No wonder why ... I got 22-24 miles in while I was gone, woke up early and went to bed late nearly every day, ate pretty badly and then had to manage the 2-hour time change on top if it all.

And, just to make things interesting, my ear was killing me and a quick trip to the doc at work revealed a lovely double ear infection.

I know I should feel guilty or something. But I don't. I needed the rest. I needed to get my eating straightened out. I needed to let the antibiotic kick in.

Still waiting on that last one.

We'll see what tomorrow morning brings. Learning to listen to your body is part of this process. Being able to distinguish the real "I need some rest" that lives in your bones from the fake "I'm too tired to workout" that your brain tries to trick you into is an acquired skill.

1 comment:

Amber said...

I need to learn that. My stubbornness caused me to end up in the boot. Probably should've rested a month ago lol