Friday, June 21, 2013


I'm on a new strength workout plan. And so far, I like it.

In the past, I haven't been very consistent with my lifting plan. I did it here and there, using it mostly as a substitute when I couldn't do cardio due to injury or using it when I didn't have time for cardio because I got up too late or when I was simply too lazy to sweat.

I think the reason I couldn't get serious about it was because I really didn't know what to do. I dibbled. I dabbled. I tried to follow some DVDs. I tried to make a formal plan. But I really just couldn't get in a groove.

And I never felt like I was doing "enough." I didn't sweat. I didn't really get tired. I wasn't sure I was getting a real workout.

So I consulted someone more knowledgable than me and he suggested "drops."

Drops is where you start with, say, 40 repetitions of something. And then you drop to 30, then 20, then 10.

I put together a list of four to seven exercises that work my shoulders, triceps, chest and biceps. I run through each 40 times with as much weight as I can stand. I don't necessarily use the same weight for each of the seven exercises, but I use the same weight each time I do exercise #1, if that makes sense.

Once I complete the circuit of 40 reps on each exercise, I repeat the circuit at 30 reps for each. Then 20, then 10.

By the time I get to the 10 round, I'm whipped. It's hard to get through those.

It's taking me 30-40 minutes and I feel really good afterward. Because I'm working my whole upper body, my friend says I should take two rest days off in between sessions to give my muscles time to recover.

So far, so good. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Amber said...

Really interested in knowing how it works and which exercises you do. I really need to put some effort into strength training. I've also read about lifting until failure. Which basically means you use a high enough weight that you can barely do the last rep (usually 8-12 reps )