Monday, June 24, 2013

Reader Participation 1

Here's a new series. I'm hoping that you take part. Why? Mostly because I just have to believe you're tired of listening to me every day. And also because I think there are some really smart readers out there and we can learn from each other.

So Reader Participation 1 question is:

What is your favorite workout?

Reply here in the comments box or on the Carsick Caravan Facebook page.


Amber said...

I don't love the gym and I hate workout videos but anything I can do outside I'm a fan of. Biking is a new favorite, jogging and walking are good old stand bys.

Amber said...

I don't love the gym and I hate workout videos but anything I can do outside I'm a fan of. Biking is a new favorite, jogging and walking are good old stand bys.