Thursday, June 6, 2013

No Laughing at My Hair Tomorrow

I've decided to ride my bike to work tomorrow.

It's just shy of 13 miles and I have to cross over I-90 or go through town and hit some big hills. Either way, I'm going to get sweaty.

The good news is there are showers at work. The bad news is I don't think I have room in my smallish backpack for a change of clothes, towel, shampoo, comb, brush, hair dryer, mousse, hairspray, curling iron, mascara and blush.

So I might forgo the hair dryer, curling iron and hair care products. And pack a headband.

Which means my already sort of limp and lifeless hair is going to look dramatically more so. (Yes, there's 30 minutes worth of work, equipment and product to get it to THAT level of flat!)

As people who may see me tomorrow, you have two options:

1. Pretend you don't notice and we go about business as usual, or

2. I wear the bike helmet for the rest of the day.

Either way, play along?


Amber said...

I'm really excited to hear how the ride goes. I've been contemplating doing this myself and wondering about the hair situation... my natural look is frizzy/curly and it's TOO short to put up..If gas stays at or over $4 a gallon I will definitely be biking to work! Good luck!!!

Miss Daisy said...

We can pool our resources, buy a blow dryer and curling iron to keep in the locker room! (Or, we can just use the extras I have at my house. LOL)