NEW RUNNER: Today was awesome! The weather was perfect, and my neck is feeling a little better ... still stiff, but better. I had a long day of training at work today and was feeling overwhelmed and tired. It's amazing what a little fresh air, some exercise and a few friendly faces can do for the soul.
Face 1: My favorite "Harley Dude" greeted me again tonight. I see him every time
I'm out on my run ... an older guy, full leather, big grin every single day. He always gives me a thumbs up as he zips by. I look forward to seeing him and he does not disappoint.
Face 2: My WW buddy and I crossed paths tonight, too, in the neighborhood. I was on my cool down and she was just starting out. It was inspiring to see her, knowing that we are both doing better things for our bodies and getting into shape together. Even though I'm not ready to run with her (she's far more experienced than I am), I loved crossing paths and meeting in the middle of the road for a celebratory high five. Made my heart happy!
Face 3: Last but not least, I also saw an old friend, trucking along the same stretch of road, probably walking faster than I run, weights in hand. Who'da thunk that at 40-something, we would all still be trying our darnedest to be healthy? I'm so proud of us!
MISS DAISY: Isn't it funny that you "find" a community that you didn't know existed? It's like a secret club that you never noticed and now, once you're out there, the members pop up everywhere. What I love most about it is that the community is so supportive, even if you don't speak a word. You instantly know that they are out there for the same reasons you are and there's an instant understanding and respect that comes with it.
If you live in a town with a running store, biking store, athletic club, etc., stop in and introduce yourself. I have found it to be an amazingly non-judgemental, completely supportive and enthusiastically encouraging environment. (They were all beginners once, too, and are anxious to share their knowledge and ... um, addiction? ... with you.) For instance, the running store in Janesville has Thursday evening and Sunday morning group runs ... just show up and run. Your pace, your distance, over a prescribed route. It's a great way to meet people with similar interests, ask questions/get help if you have them/want that.
(I have "liked" these two on Facebook as examples, but there are zillions of others:,
I'm also insanely jealous of your neighborhood. It's such a PERFECT place to get in a nice 1-, 2-, 3-. 5-, or even 10-mile workout. (Stop rolling your eyes. Once you get this 5K in hand, a 10-miler isn't going to seem like such a big deal!)
Oh, and CC readers ... did you notice how casually our NEW RUNNER threw this line into her comments, "... I'm out on my run ...." I love that! NBD, right? It doesn't take a year to make a runner. It takes running. It doesn't take months to make you someone who is getting healthier. It takes one day. Followed by another. Followed by another. You can do this. NEW RUNNER is living proof. Love it. Love it. Love it.