Monday, October 7, 2013

New Runner, Chapter 4

Things I Learned On (And After) My Run Today: 
1. Bugs! Yuck! They stuck to my lip balm and flew in my eyes! I might need to wear sunglasses and not put on any lip balm before I go out. Fortunately, they were small.

2. My disco channel on Pandora plays Michael Jackson! I really enjoyed "Beat It" ... kept me kickin' when I was panting through my run interval. I'm such an 80's girl at heart!

3. My husband is amazing! He was annoyed at first that this "running thing" would interrupt our dinner time, as he prefers to eat before 6 p.m. Since I am trying to get home earlier to exercise, he is preparing some of our meals. Tonight's feast was a wonderful grilled marinated pork with peppers, onions and mushrooms. I think I'll keep him! And, it was healthy to boot.

4. Stretching after running helps! Quads feel better today.

On another note ... is it possible to have a pulled chest/neck muscle from running? I know it sounds silly. I have this strange stiff neck thing going on that stretches around by my left ear. Never had that before, but it has been going on for about 4 days now ...

MISS DAISY: Hahaha! Love it. Bugs suck. But husbands rock sometimes. You're probably using lots of muscles in ways you haven't before, so I wouldn't be surprised if you're stiff. Pay attention to your arms and shoulders when you're moving. People always want to swing their arms across the midline of their bodies ... like right wrist toward left hip, crossing over the belly button. DON'T do that. Keep your right arm on the right side of your body and your left on your left. And don't hunch your shoulders up, holding your upper body too tight. Consciously think about LlOOoooOOOOosSsSEeEY GoOOooOoOSEy. Move your head around, drop your shoulders, wiggle your arms.

NEW RUNNER: I don't think I'm crossing my body, but will make an effort not to. I am pretty sure I that I hunch my shoulders. I also try to tighten my abs while I'm running/walking ... mostly because I don't like the way they giggle. And if I can feel that, I'm sure people can see it. Yuck!

I'm thinking my bobbling head and wiggly arms would be a sight to see as people pass me on my route.

MISS DAISY: Forget about worrying about what everyone else sees. It's your workout. It has to entertain, please and inspire YOU! Run, dance, bobble ... they'll see your smile and know how much fun you're having.

Viva la Pandora Disco!!!!!!

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