1. Running up a hill, against the wind, is far more difficult than running with the wind at my back and going downhill.
2. My eyes water when it's windy and I can't see very well. I need to wear sunglasses. (Good thing I didn't bother with makeup!)
3. Day 2 is far more tolerable than Day 1.
4. People I don't know waved at me! I like to believe they were saying, "You go girl! You can do this!" ... rather than laughing at the 45-year-old lady trying to get in shape. (Maybe my pony tail made me look a little younger ... do you think?)
5. I am actually LIKING this and can't wait to go again after a rest day!
1. It's amazing how much difference wind can make! I actually like uphill better than downhill most days. Hurts my knees less.
2. Cheap safety glasses (from Home Depot or WalMart) have lenses that wrap around the sides of your head a little, which are nice for the wind. They come in clear or shaded lenses and are usually totally adjustable to fit your head ... and are SO much more affordable than a pair you'd buy at a sporting goods store.
3. And Day 3 will be better than Day 2!
4. I love it when people wave. And I always think the exact same thing you did.
5. Told you it's addicting. Take advantage of that feeling now. There will be days in the future when you don't feel so enthusiastic about getting out there. So Don't Waste It now.
NEW RUNNER: Question ... what do I do for very sore quadracep muscles? Run felt good tonight, but my muscles started hurting pretty bad during and especially after.
MISS DAISY: Lunges and squats make quads stronger. Most of what I read says stretch before you run if you want, but it's more important to stretch AFTER. Ice and ibuprofen for pain. Here are some good links from sources I trust:
And, don't forget your hips! Strong hips are required for running but the act of running doesn't do anything to make hips stronger. And weak hips can result in screwed up knees.
NEW RUNNER: Have to share this ... A friend of my daughter's boyfriend stopped by our house tonight to pick something up. After he left, he texted to said boyfriend, and commented that I looked hot in my yoga pants. Maybe I've still got it! Ha!!! It cracked me up. Maybe the poor 20-year-old needs to get his eyes checked.
MISS DAISY: No glasses necessary. You look good when you feel good and you look great when you feel great. Take that compliment and look yourself in the eye in your bathroom mirror and be PROUD of yourself for doing something good for you!

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