Thursday, October 24, 2013

New Runner, Chapter 10

OK, I need to get you all caught up. Since our last New Runner installment, a lot has happened. My apologies to all -- and especially to New Runner -- for getting behind on her progress. We'll get caught up tomorrow because she has some really good news to share! 

Here's a Cliff Notes version of what has happened since we left off ...

New Runner is getting used to the cold. Layers are the key! The "how it feels" temperature at the start of your run is different than the "how it feels" temperature in the middle of your run when you warm up and start sweating. I find long-sleeve layers, whether they be zip-up or pullover, to be the most useful. When I get hot, I take a layer off and tie it around my waist.

New Runner also had a busy week and ended up skipping a mid-week run. The result was a workout that started out a bit rocky after a few days off, but ended OK. The lesson here is that when you're building strength, it doesn't disappear in a day or two or three. So don't panic! You'll be OK. But get back on the horse as quickly as you can.

And while one skipped workout won't kill all of the physical strength you've built, it can do a number on your mental strength. The routine or following a prescribed schedule is important for your head. Learning the habit of working out every other day is every bit as important as learning the habit of eating well. When it becomes a habit, you start to do it without thinking ... which serves you well later.

Last but not least, a technological glitch caused New Runner to jump back a few days (S%&*@!!!!) and served up a workout that was easier than the previous one, not harder as it should have been. So now what's the best move? Jump ahead in the program to where you're supposed to be or work back up step by step?

I think you TRY the jump and see how it feels. If it's too much, back off a little. If it's not, you're back where you want to be.

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