Wednesday, October 9, 2013

New Runner, Chapter 5

NEW RUNNER: The armband I ordered for my phone arrived and I loved using it today! I could concentrate on my form ... keeping my shoulders back and my arms down. Hopefully, that will help with the stiffness in my neck and chest. I worked on my breathing, too. It helped to try the 2:2 ratio.

And, I didn't tire at all during the running part today! I actually felt like I could run longer. When I got home, I checked my C25K program and was surprised to see that my run times are :30 seconds longer each interval than I thought they were! And I did it! I'm not exhausted! I wonder if it's because my body is getting used to running or if it's because I was out in the morning, rather than after a full day's work.

I feel so good! I have energy that I haven't had in a long time and am enjoying how my clothes are fitting differently. Even though the scale isn't moving much, my body is changing.

MISS DAISY: You. Go. Girl! There is nothing I can add to this to make it more perfect. You keep going and it gets easier and it feels better and better and better. Forget that downward spiral. This is the upward spiral and SO much more fun!


new runner said...

You just make me smile! It's because of you that I've been inspired to do this! Thank you!

HR Girl said...

Way to go New Runner! You are on the "road" to inspiring others.