Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How Are YOU Doing?

Haven't heard from some of you in a while. I'm dying to know how you're doing. I'd like to know where you are finding success and what is proving to be a big challenge.

More importantly ...

What one thing did you do right today?

What one thing are you going to do right tomorrow?

Celebrate it. And remember, this is one day at a time. One decision at a time. One pound at a time.

Because you only get this one life. Live it.


GaryAllanFan said...

Well today I ran 10 minutes without stopping. I've started a Couch 2 5K program on my ipod and that is alternating running and walking. On my first week of that's an every other day thing. So today I was pleasantly surprised when I ran 10 minutes without stopping. Maybe next week I'll hit 15! One day at a time.....

Miss Daisy said...

Holy Ship-Shape! 10 minutes is FOREVER! Yay YOU, GaryAllanFan! Congrats. One day at a time!!!! Anyone want to ride along with GAF and see if they can hit 10 minutes with her?

SusieG said...
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SusieG said...

I've had success with eating better during the day! Hooray! Focussing on planning my meals and incorporating at least 5 fruits and veggies each day ... next step ....stop snacking after supper :)

Miss Daisy said...

Way to go, SusieG! I haven't been able to master that no food after dinner thing! Good luck!