Saturday, April 16, 2011

My Hair Fell Out

About six months into my eating and exercising regiment, I noticed something that horrified me.

My hair was falling out. And breaking off. Noticably so.

This is especially problematic because I don't have a whole bunch of hair to start with. It's thin and straight and fine ... so losing any is a big issue. At my part, you could see rows of spiky, broken off hairs, sticking straight up.

I talked to my stylist about it. She asked if any of my hair habits had changed. Was I using different product? No. Was I using different styling tools? No. Was I washing more frequently? Yes.

Since I was working out at night, I was taking a shower before bed, conditioning only but not shampooing, and going to bed with a wet head.

She suggested a satin pillowcase if I had to go to bed with a wet head, but also encouraged me to NOT crawl between the covers when my hair was at its most vulnerable, a.k.a. wet.

Not really satisfied with that ... since I had been going to bed with a wet head for months and just recently noticed the falling out/breaking off thing ... I brought it up at my next physical with my doctor.

She said she had seen hair suffer from a new diet, but typically it was from more of an Atkins regiment. She also said that any change to your diet and activity can have affects on things like your hair.

She also told me not to worry, because if that's what it was, my body would adapt and it would likely be OK.

She was right. The little baby hairs started growing and I'm back to "normal" for me now.

Freaked me out, though.


marthamac said...

This is very interesting. The exact same thing has been happening to me...but not to the extreme as you. My mom has experienced significant hair loss after losing 50 lbs., and just recently saw her doctor.
My opinion, maybe your hair wants to be thinner to match your body??? (grin)
I'm glad yours is coming back!!!

Miss Daisy said...

Me, too! I just wish I had your long and lovely locks, where maybe no one would notice!