Thursday, June 16, 2011

Attitude is Everything

Have a friend who's training for a 5K. She's joined a running class (at All Season Runner) and is well on her way.

I know she's going to knock it out of the park. Want to guess how I can tell?

As she's describing the program she's on, where they have you walk/run in prescribed intervals, heavier on some days, lighter on others, she says:

"I always do an extra set of walk/run intervals at the end of what's on the schedule."

I love that. She knows her body is completely capable. And she's trusting her head to lead the way.


GaryAllanFan said...

And when this training is done....on to 10K training.

Miss Daisy said...

See, I told you she was an ass kicker. We are ALL so much stronger, tougher, and more determined than we give ourselves credit for.