Thursday, June 30, 2011

There's Power in Them Thar Capris

Today, I had to talk with some people I hadn't met before. It was a situation where it was in my best interest to be "impressive." Or at least seem like I was a little smarter than I really am.

So I put on some clothes that made me feel powerful ... black heels, black capris, a snappy little jacket. And I set off to conquer.

I can't tell you how different I felt walking into this uncomfortable and sort of nerve-wracking meeting as the new version of me.

Clearly, I'm really not any smarter than I was six months ago, a year ago or six years ago. But I felt different ... inside. More confident. Less worried.

In the old days, I would have been thinking about how the other people were judging me. I would have been uncomfortable in my clothes and in my skin as I tried desperately to sit up straight, suck it in and hope that I was having a good hair day.

Today I smiled. I relaxed. I made sure I was heard. I gave the conversation happening around the table my full attention and didn't let the conversation in my head sink me.

I was able to be me. No distractions. No worries. No fear. 

And it was good.


He said...

You know how happy I am for you - Very,

Miss Daisy said...

Thank you, He.