Thursday, June 9, 2011

Getting Antsy

Five days, no serious exercise. Gotta tell you, I'm getting antsy.

I am waking up at the same time, then rolling over an going back to sleep for 45 minutes. And that's nice. But when my eyes pop open again, I feel like I should do SOMETHING to get sweaty so I can earn a refreshing shower.

When I make the trip to Tim H.'s candy dispenser (Mike & Ike's ...the bastard ... he knows I can't resist), I feel like I should do SOMETHING to offset my ingestion.

When I sit down on the couch to blog on my laptop, I feel like I should do SOMETHING to make the time go faster and negate some of the supper I just ate.

I feel it mostly in my thighs. They want to move. In fact, I found myself power-walking to the ladies room today.

Not entirely out of urgency.

Right now I'm playing a little head game with myself. My initial goal was to NOT exercise until Saturday. I'm now reconsidering and hitting the treadmill Friday morning ... if the scale says I'm up. Which is me trying to justify going back on my initial plan. Rationalizing my potential behavior so I CAN exercise.

Now that's a change, isn't it?


HR Girl said...

I sure I speak for Tim H and your other co-workers that you do not need to "earn" a shower :)

This is an interesting post and I remember back eons ago in 1990 (last time I was runnng 4-5 miles on a regular basis) and feeling my body crave the need to run.

It's a great craving to have....

Miss Daisy said...

The shower feels better after a big sweat, though. The Mike & Ike's taste yumm-o no matter what.

It is a good craving. I just wish it could replace the one I have for dark chocolate with sea salt (my current obsession).