Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Keeping Each Other Honest

I had a short, but effective text conversation with HRGirl last night in which she said:

"You'd better go to bed now so you can run 1.5 miles tomorrow."

I woke up late, hustled down the stairs and then ran 2.5 miles.

At work, I was IMing with Gary Allan Fan who was sharing her "Couch to 5K" training plan. She's been waking up early, battling the heat and the weather with a friend, getting ready for her first race in a few weeks. She said her husband actually commented to her that he was kind of surprised she was sticking to the whole program. To which she said:

"I have to do it. My training partner won't let me quit."

I am not a big believer in group activity. I hate chitchat and making small talk. I really like my alone time.

But some things are better shared. And exercise might be one of them. We keep each other honest. Challenge each other. And support each other.

Find someone to talk to about it. Or share your experience here. Miss Daisy, HR Girl and Gary Allen Fan are ready to back you!

1 comment:

GaryAllanFan said...

Amber & I don't like running by the "talkers". We always hang at the back of the group. There are 2 ladies that run in our group that end up behind us sometimes....they talk constantly! We always let them pass us. All of their talking drives us crazy!