Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Secret Snack

You know those days when you just want to eat? You just want to chew. To crunch. To taste.

Sometimes I get so obsessed I can't stop thinking about it. I simply must eat something and get it over with already.

But what to eat? I've told you before that sometimes I turn to cauliflower. There's lots of volume and if I eat enough I give myself a gassy tummy and that cures my desire to eat more. (Gross but true. And wait ... there's more!)

I have another secret snack weapon for when I don't have cauliflower on hand.

Bread and butter pickle chips.

They're sweet and they crunch. And there's really no calories. And, again, if you eat a couple too many, they give you a bit of a tummy ache of a different sort. Plus the combination of sweet and sour and salt leave a funny taste in my mouth and I don't want to do anything besides brush my teeth when I'm done. In other words, I don't want a chocolate followup or anything.

Is that wrong?

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