Sunday, September 11, 2011

10K Prep

I'm not sure if I'm doing it right, but I'm trying to get ready for the 10K on Sept. 24.

Two weeks ago, I ran 6 miles so I know I CAN go the distance.

I'm a little worried about this week's training as I have to travel for work and Thursday and Sunday will be sort of shot. I'm also a little worried about the 1.2 mile hill at the beginning of the course ... I don't want to blow it by burning out too early.

My mountain climbing friend said he'd just walk the 1.2 miles, regardless. I'm certainly considering this. But I worry that someone will call me a woos for doing so. And I wonder ... will I still think I "ran" a 10K if I walk the first mile?

And then I remember ... It's me against me. I can do whatever I want and no one really gets to have an opinion.

I like that a lot.


Anonymous said...

Your mountain climbing friend told me the same thing. I decided that I'm not ready for a 10k. Maybe jog half the hill. I think you'll perform better if you don't push it on the hill. Either way you'll do great.- amber

GaryAllanFan said...

Go to the course and do a test run. Then you'll know what to expect. If the hill is at the beginning....walk it. Save your strength for a strong finish! You will do great!!