Monday, September 12, 2011

What Do You Do with a Tub of Licorice?

I made a small mistake.

I overestimated the amount of Twizzlers my guests would eat at the party yesterday. And now I have a whole tub left.

It's in my pantry. I can hear it calling my name. I can smell its strawberry goodness.

I want to eat it all. And this is the argument I'm having with myself:

Licorice has no fat grams, after all. So it's practically health food, right? (We'll just ignore the fact that when you take in too many calories, even those without fat grams, the extra cals turn into lard.)

But now that I've written it down here for you, I can't possibly walk over to the pantry door and eat one.

Dodged that bullet. Thanks for the assist.


HR GIRL said...

Send that delicious tub of stawberry goodness my way. I promise I will take real good care of it.


Miss Daisy said...

That wouldn't be nice of me!

Miss Daisy said...
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