Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Farmer's Market Overkill

I have a Farmer's Market hangover. Have you done this? Bought too much lovely, fresh produce because it all looks so great, bring it in the back door and then be struck by a terrible thought:

There's no way I can eat it all before it goes bad.

In an effort to use up some of it, I made the weirdest fresh corn/onion/garlic/red pepper/green pepper/jalapeno pepper/pinto beans/Swiss chard/lime juice/cilantro/Laughing Cow Southwest cheese wedges succotash tonight for dinner. It wasn't horrible, and it was kind of pretty, but more than anything, it was funny. Coco Chanel always said get dressed, then take one thing off. I think this dish could have benefited from the same advice. Times two. Or three.

The menu for the next few nights is going to have to include two pounds of yellow/green/purple beans, cauliflower, carrots and the world's biggest zucchini.

Adding insult to injury (in the very best way), the neighbors also dropped off a bounty of tomatoes and pears. I managed to perform a tomato makeover, allowing me to send them back out the door in the form of salsa.

The pears are going to have to wait until I can think of something that doesn't include a buttery, flaky crust.

1 comment:

Greta said...

Only 2 things to do with a the worlds largest zucchini:
1)shred it for zucchini bread or muffins
2)make zucchini pie (seriously people can't tell it isn't apple)

Of course neither are probably on our diet. Best to eat those while they are still small.