Friday, September 16, 2011

Thank Goodness for Applebee's

Say what you want about chain restaurants being the bane of the culinary world. I, for one, am happy that Applebee's exists.

I'm traveling for work. Solo. Which means I have to dine on my own in a strange place. My hotel doesn't have an in-house restaurant, which is my typical go-to choice in this situation.

I do have a rental car and a GPS, but I'm still not super adventurous.

Luckily, there's an Applebee's a few miles down the road from me. And as you know, Applebee's has meals for under 550 calories.

(And, NY must have the same law that Arizona does which requires ALL meals to show calorie counts on menus. Yippppppeeeeeeeee!)

Now, if I could just stay away from the candy on the other exhibitors' tables, I'd be doing OK.

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