Thursday, November 24, 2011

Bike Shorts, Hunters and Fog, Oh My!

My primary combat-the-pie strategy was to get on my bike and go 20 miles or so today. So I waited for the 56-and-sunny weather to begin this morning before I hit the road.

And, as you know, 56-and-sunny never showed up.

So, in 30-and-windy-and-foggy, I set out.

This is what I took with me: running tights, bike shorts, sleeveless workout top, a long-sleeve compression shirt, a wind jacket, a fluorescent bike jersey over it all, a warm ear/head band, gloves, helmet, socks, shoes and my cell phone.

This is what I forgot: Kleenex. 

To those that saw my hocking lugies from the snuggly comfort of your kitchen, warm coffee in hand: sorry and too bad.

To the hunter that took not one, not two, not three, not four, but FIVE shots as I was rolling past on the downhill: if you don't have him after three shots, you're not going to get him. (And you scared the crap out of me! You noticed the fluorescent yellow, right?)

And to my toes, who required a 30-minute hot shower to bring the feeling back: my apologies. I will look into proper bike shoes, another pair of socks and toe warmers next time.

Hope you had a great day. There's so much to be thankful for and in my life, the list includes YOU.

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