Friday, November 11, 2011

Older, Wiser and Faster?

Here's a strange bit of trivia regarding me and old people: I have used them as training aids for a long time.

When I first started walking, I heard a story on the morning news about how an 80-something woman walked three miles a day, regardless of the weather. Then, I overheard a couple of retired neighbors discussing how they walked three miles every night after supper. I decided then and there that 43-year-old me should be capable of knocking out a mile or two every day. And whenever I didn't want to do it, I'd conjure up an image of an 80-year-old woman walking in a snowstorm and feel like a schmuck for trying to weasel out of my workout.

And now, hanging out here in Florida, the snowbirds have figured into my training plan.

This morning, I hit the beach early ... just after 7 a.m. It was breezy and cold, by Florida standards. (With apologies to my Wisconsin friends ... I know 60 degrees doesn't sound so terribly cold right now, with your first snow and all.) A storm rolled in last night, dropping the temperature considerably, so not many people were out cruising in the sand this a.m.. My goal was to cover the whole beach ... from the pier on the north end to the bridge on the south end ... about 4 miles I think.

Since I've been here, I've been walking every day. My knee has decided to cooperate and has allowed me to walk. I've been trying to take it easy ... and not push it.

But this morning, as I was thumping along at a steady but conservative pace, I got passed by a jogging blue hair.

And all bets were off.

Though my knee was still feeling wobbly, I could no longer hold back.

So, I ran. I RAN!!!!!!!!

It was probably 1.5 to 2 miles tops. It was slow. It was on a very forgiving surface that causes, I think, less stress on my joints.

And it was SO FUN!

Fingers crossed already that I can do it again tomorrow. How I love those old people!

P.S. I also lapped the limping Asian woman in the clogs. She looked pissed.

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