Friday, November 18, 2011

Damn Girl Scouts!

The Girl Scouts pretend to be do-gooders. Merit badges, that "I've something in my pocket that belongs across my face" song, campfires and the like.

But they're evil.

They guilt you into buying those freaking cookies and then they have the audacity to make a new flavor that hits my weak spot.

Have you tried the Lemonades?

At "only" 75 calories per cookie, these shortbread and lemon icing bundles of deliciousness have attacked my better senses.

And yes, I ate a whole box between Wednesday and today. A whole box.

Let's just hope I don't come across a troop member on one of my weekend runs. I may make them hoof a few extra miles along with me to wear off the extra calorie intake.

My advice? Don't buy the cookies. And if you do or must, don't open the boxes. Give them away. Put them in the freezer immediately so they're out of sight, out of mind. Or send them to your husband's work ... whatever it takes to get them out of your own house.


marthamac said...

I feel your pain...did the same thing this week, with the same cookies! With so many students who are Girl Scouts...I have LOTS of cookies. Needless to say, the rest are in the freezer after my guilty pleasure of eating so many this week!

Miss Daisy said...

I love lemon in all forms and these cookies are so yummy! Sometimes you just have to say WTF, eat them and move on. Of course, you probably can't say that out loud in an elementary SCHOOL! (And I say it in my office all the time. LOL.)