Monday, November 21, 2011

Scale Tales

I weighed in with trepidation this morning.

I did no cardio this weekend. On Saturday, I lifted weights and did 500 sit-ups, then whipped up a delicious hungry-man breakfast for the neighborhood hunting crew, sampling along the way before joining them for the actual meal. Then dinner out where I behaved fairly well, but snuck some French fries and ice cream from others.

Sunday brought no workout at all, another big breakfast, some more shopping, and another dinner out with more French fries. Plus some chocolate.

So you can understand why I was a little nervous to hop on the scale today.

But, to my surprise, I was down four pounds from last Thursday.

Sometimes the scale makes no sense at all. Sometimes you do everything right and the needle doesn't move down. And maybe it even moves up.

Then there are other times when you swear you've done everything wrong, and you drop.

The scale is only one measure of how well you're doing. The cold, hard truth is that if you eat well, and you exercise enough, the pounds will come off. Nobody's perfect, but if you do the right things often enough, good things happen.

Believe you can do it.

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