Sunday, November 27, 2011

I Get "Recovery Time" ... Finally

You can Google "half marathon training plan" or training plans for 5K, 10K, marathon, etc., and find any number of workout calendars to get you ready for the race of your choice.

They all include running days, cross training or weight lifting days, and rest days.

Up until the past month or so, I didn't understand the "rest days" concept. My occasionally obsessive-compulsive-leaning personality didn't really dig the idea of a day off. Afraid, I think, of sliding back into some hole, I pressed forward, running or walking every day, or at least six out of seven days in a week.

But after my longest run ever a month or so ago, I made a critical mistake and have learned the rest day lesson the hard way. (See post:

After that 8.75-mile run and the walking I did the following day, I lost more than two weeks of working out. No treadmill, no outdoor running. My bad knee hurt morning, noon and night. Walking in and out of work was painful. Ice, ibuprofen and rest ... and a lot of sit ups and weight lifting ... carried me through to vacation. Ultimately, that time off allowed me to pick back up slowly on the beach and by the time I got home, I was happily running every day.

(This is where you say, "Duh, Lisa. You are a moron. I can see where this is headed.")

So, it's no surprise that after a day-long shopping trip in heeled boots (fashion before brains), my  freaking knee started acting up again. This past week brought me three more days of no treadmill.

I'm learning. Slowly.

Friday I ran about a mile and stopped when I felt some pain. Saturday, I walked a half mile, ran for 2.5 and stopped when I felt that twinge. Today, my knee felt great. But I only walked. Tomorrow, I'm not going to walk or run ... so that I can run on Tuesday.

Recovery is important. Rest is important. Make sure you schedule it like you do your workouts. Listen to your body ... it will tell you what it needs.

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