Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Just a Swimmin'

I have a friend who has started a little Facebook group of people looking to drop a few pounds. Two weeks ago, she decided to issue weekly "challenges" geared toward developing good habits.

Last week's challenge was to eat two servings of fruit every day. That was an easy one for me.

This week's challenge is to drink 64-80 ounces of water daily.

Oh my word. I'm swimmin'.

I'm not a big drinker to start with. In fact, I'm not sure I drink 50 ounces of anything on a normal day. So this has been a struggle for me.

After three days, here's what I know:

1. I CAN drink that much. But it takes a genuine effort. I have a 20-oz. water bottle that I'm refilling from the water cooler.
2. I prefer some flavor in my water. I'm using Crystal Light and Mio right now.
3. I'm better off to chug it and get it over with. Sipping all day isn't my deal. Today I drank my 12-oz of Cherry Coke Zero on the way to work and then downed three 20-oz bottles before noon.
4. It really makes me feel full. Which should translate into less eating. It hasn't -- yet -- but I can see how it would if you truly listened to your body.
5. I'm a dang good pee-er. LOTS of trips to the restroom. But, I look at it this way, I get some extra steps in as I traipse back and forth from my desk.

Do you guys want to join in on the fun? I can pass along the challenges. I love the concept and it's fun to do it together.

The trick will be to see if you keep last week's challenge going as you add this week's. And next week's. And next. And so on.

Chug-a-lug, CCreaders!

1 comment:

marthamac said...

Yes, pass along the challenges! I have been trying to drink 48-ish oz. every day, and that hasn't been too bad...I'm going to try this. And...2 servings of fruit...I think I could do that too. Do share! I'm interested!