Monday, July 1, 2013

Finish Strong ... with Boogie

At mile 10 yesterday, I was tired. And thirsty. I only had two big swallows left in my water bottle and had to make a decision on whether or not to turn right and complete the final two miles.

So I popped my earbuds in, cranked the music and kept repeating, "Mind over matter."

I honestly don't remember all of the songs ... "Baby I'm a Firework" was in there. "I Got You Babe" made me smile. I belted out the oooga chackas of "Stuck on a Feeling" loudly, willing myself up the last hill. Maroon 5's "Moves Like Jagger" (which I always sing as "moves like Draeger" while thinking of my pals Seth and Drew) carried me over the other side.

By the time I got to my garage, I was whooped. I had drained the last drop of my water bottle. I was sweaty. I didn't think I had one ounce of try left. Jim was mowing, with his own headphones on and I stood there watching him for a second.

Then it happened.

"I'm Sexy and I Know It" burst into my ears.

And I danced in the driveway.

Full-on, get down, shake my ass dancing, as Jim just shook his head. And laughed.

Apparently, I had some energy left.


marthamac said...

This is why I love you! Thanks for making me giggle...again! You are an inspiratiion!

Miss Daisy said...

If you don't have this song on your ipod/pad/mp3, I am requiring you to get it. And then I require you to play it when you feel crappy. And I DARE you not to smile. And then tap your foot. And then, DANCE!!!!!!