Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Excuse Me?

If you're looking for an excuse to NOT work out or eat right, you will always find one.

"My whatever hurts."
"There's not enough time."
"I'm too busy to cook/grocery shop."

They're there. Lots of them. Just waiting for you to pick one, or even two.

Strangely, the reasons TO work out and eat right seem so much harder to find.

But they're there if you just look. Find a mirror. But don't look at your butt. Look yourself square in the eye and tell yourself that you are worth it.

Because you are.


HR Girl said...

And then there is -
"I am too tired to workout"
"I'll have take another shower and that will dry out my hair"
"I have too many other things to do"

All ridiculous, but they seem logical at the time...hmmmmm

Miss Daisy said...

Yup. All true. All logical. And all ridiculous because nothing ... not your hair or your list of to-dos is more important than YOU and your health and feeling good about yourself.

SusieG said...

Love this one :) I am trying really hard to get my workout times carved out again, and for me, work keeps following me is done for awhile now, my taxes should be done this weekend :), then FRESH START on Monday for my new schedule to put ME first and have a chance (maybe even multiple!) times to work out. I am even signed up for spinning on Friday! Yay me! Love these posts, Miss Daisy :) Keep 'em comin' :)

HR Girl said...

Susie G -

I had a friend that started spinning just one day a week like you are doing and fell in love with it and now almost 7 years later, he does it three times a week over his lunch hour and looks amazing and I am certain feels the same. Good luck to you.

Miss Daisy said...

I have to be honest ... you moms have it a whole lot harder than I do. Work, school, kids. When they're little, they need you all the time. When they're bigger, you're running to practices and events and friends. It takes so much time. That's why I like working out in the morning. House is quiet. No one else wants to bother me then. LOL. Good luck! And report back on the spinning!

HR Girl said...

Thanks for posting that Miss Daisy because you are right (do you get tired of hearing that :)
I have so much respect for working moms, let me rephrase that all MOMS. You are on 24/7 and I need to remember that. I really have no excuses, none, but you know that don't you Miss Daisy - you are just waiting for me to realize it and jump on the bandwagon.
Thanks for being patient with me!