Sunday, July 15, 2012


I've heard this a few times from a local meteorologist in the past few weeks:

"Drought begats drought."

Meaning that the longer it's really dry, the less likely we are to get rain ... because there isn't enough moisture at ground/atmosphere level to help when more rain-favorable conditions rumble overhead.

Exercise and eating right are like that, too.

The more you do it, the more you want to do it. And, unfortunately, the flip side also holds true.

The less you do it, the less you want to.

I am battling with the latter myself these days. Sleeping in, lifting a few weights here and there. It's easy to fall out of the habit. Sneaking an extra nibble, horking down some lovely red velvet cake. It's easy to keep shoveling it in.

Start one new good habit today. I'm going to try, too.


HR GIRL said...

I know I have been somewhat lax in my comments on this blog, but I could not let the word "horking" go unnoticed. Thanks for using that word....I have missed it.

Miss Daisy said...

You're welcome.