Monday, July 30, 2012

What a Difference a Run Makes!

Going to try and catch you up quickly ...

Physical therapy started last Thursday. And it was fantastic! My new friend Al showed me how weak my right hip is. The funny thing about running, apparently, is that the actual act of doing doesn't make the parts you need to run properly (like hips) stronger. And when the muscles aren't strong, your form gets sloppy. In this case, my hips started swinging. When the hips swing, they cause things to rub together that aren't supposed to rub together. When stuff rubs together, you get irritation and swelling ... bursitis.

So the solution is to strengthen the hip and core muscles so the muscles stay in alignment. Sounds so logical.

Al and I went through a whole slew of exercises designed to do just that. The funniest one involves me shuffling all around the house with a big rubberband around my ankles.

Oh, and I now blow dry and curl my hair standing on one foot. The dog thinks I'm nuts.

But back to PT: I was a willing and eager student. I hungrily listened as my new friend Al explained each exercise. I quickly demonstrated each one and asked for more. I could tell he liked my enthusiasm. I decided to push the envelope a little on the walk back from the gym to the exam room.

"So," I tentatively started. "Can I walk a couple of miles?"

"Well, yeah," Al said. "You can WALK, but be very cognizant of your body position and check your alignment. If you start to get tired, you'll feel it in your hips and when you do, it's time to stop. There's no pushing through."

"Got it," I said. And then I decide to try my luck. "Can I run?"

Very slowly, methodically, he replied, "You can run. (He sees my face light up!) But ONLY for a quarter mile for the first week. And ONLY if you're not too tired. And ONLY if you are paying attention and know you're body is staying in good form."

Friday morning, I got up, walked about 2 miles and ran a simply glorious, slow, lovely quarter mile.

I came to work with a smile on my face.

That hardly ever happens these days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hooray!!! -Amber