Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Points of Housekeeping ... and Mex Salad Recipes

Today's a catch up day. Enjoy!

1. The Mexican-ish salad I threw together with the zucchini ... Gack. Don't make it. I ate it for dinner tonight and it sucked. Even the queso fresco couldn't save it.

2. It that recipe's place, I have alternatives. My sister sent a fantastic list of recipes to me today. And they perfectly fit my tastes AND are pretty dang healthy, too. Way to go, KaSu! See the end of this post for a yummy look.

3. This month's Oprah magazine features an article that discusses a study in which two groups of people ate similar diets. Same number of calories, similar exercise, etc. Except one of the two groups ate a little extra something for breakfast ... like cake or brownies or cookies. Guess which group lost more weight? Yup. The brownie crew. Food for thought. Literally.

4. I swam a half mile today. More breast stoke laps than I would like, but I got it done. So, take that Sweet T who challenged me by mentioning that she was swimming "a mile a day" just to torture me.

5. Tomorrow night is the Sundown Dash in Janesburg ... a 5K run or mile walk, beginning at 7 p.m. Yours truly, GaryAllanFan and a handful of other cronies will be there volunteering. Hope to see you there!

Mexican-ish Salad Recipes
http://www.justaspoonfulof.com/2011/08/avocado-tomato-mozzarella-salad.html  I might swap out cilantro for basil here.

http://www.sheknows.com/food-and-recipes/articles/964263/sunday-dinner-roasted-corn-black-bean-and-avocado-quesadillas Cut the quesadilla up in little tiny pieces and use like "croutons" on a big bowl of greens!

http://tastefullyjulie.com/black-bean-corn-and-edamame-salad-with-cilantro-and-lime-dressing/ Anything cilantro/lime is automatically delicioso!

http://www.twopeasandtheirpod.com/creamy-avocado-yogurt-dip/ This actually lightens up normal guac ... less fat. You could use this as a salad dressing on a bowl of greens/raw veg or it could replace mayo in a creamy side salad.

1 comment:

KaSue said...

You're welcome. These made me think you'd like them.