Thursday, March 28, 2013

Frumpy is as Frumpy Does

My workplace went casual this past winter. We'd always had casual Fridays--and I loved them--so I was really very excited about this change.

At first.

As the winter wore on, the rotation of my two pairs of jeans got boring. The same old jean-appropriate boxy, solid, cardigans made me yawn. My 15-year-old black sketchers and black ballet flats, worn because the heels went out with the knee, produced coma-like symptoms.

Sure, I threw in a scarf or two, every once in a while. But it wasn't enough.

My more formal work clothes mocked me from their hangers.

"You used to look sort of sharp. You know, put together," they chided. "Now you look like a midwestern, middle-aged, white-bread-and-American-cheese-slices soccer mom."

And, they were right. As my wardrobe became more sedate and predictable and vanilla, so did my attitude about me. I started to FEEL as boring as I was looking.

So I decided I needed a boost. A kick in the pants. New pants, really. A bounce into spring. An affirmation of my commitment to working out again and to me.

How? I went to the mall.

I bought shirts with yellow in them. I bought leggings and a long sweater. I bought a flowy, flirty, filmy top with some rockin' jewelry to match.

And I went to work the next day with pumps on. PUMPS! That long sweater and leggings made me feel like a million bucks. (And a little dirty because it was kind of like not wearing pants. Whoo hoo!)

I was reminded of how much better you feel on the inside when you feel good about how you look on the outside. It's powerful incentive to continue working hard to stay healthy.

See you later, Frumpy. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

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