Friday, March 1, 2013

GAF's Acupuncture Adventure

Our CC friend GaryAllenFan has been battling a foot injury for a while. She's taken time off, iced, OTC drugged, chiropractered, doctored, podiatrist-ed ... all to no avail.

So she headed east, far east, for a trial run of the ancient art/practice of acupuncture. Here's here story:

So It Begins
I've had 3 "treatments" and will have 3 more....hoping that is all I need. 

First appointment: 
The doctor and I discussed why I was there....where is my pain? I explained the pain I've had in the side of my foot for months. I told him I had been running intervals with no issues and first felt the pain when I started running "straight through," no intervals. 

He asked me a bunch of questions and then asked me to take off my pants and lay on the table. He started poking around on my foot and up the sides of my legs and he would locate pressure points. Some were sore to the touch....others not so much. He would find a spot and say, "Oh, this really hurts, doesn't it?" He was always spot on. 

Then it was time for the needles. He placed them up and down the sides of my legs and a couple in my pelvis area. After putting the needles in the "right" spots....I had to stay still for about 15 minutes. I didn't really feel the needles being put in and I couldn't really see them as I was flat on my back, trying not to move. If I moved, the did sort of poke and hurt, so I stayed as still as possible.  

I did notice relief the next day.....which surprised me. After just one treatment?  

Second appointment: 
The doctor asked me how I was feeling and we discussed the work he did on the first appointment. I got on the table and he started feeling around for "spots" again. This time he was finding really sore spots in my pelvis. So he focused on that a lot and also up and down my legs. We also discussed my lower back. He asked if my back is ever sore or stiff. And I said, "As a matter of fact, it's super stiff every morning!" So he put the needles in my pelvis and legs for about 15 minutes, then I rolled over and he put some in my lower back. He left the needles in my back for 5 minutes or so.

The next stiffness. The doctor had vacation the following week, so we skipped a week. Still no stiffness in my back during that time. 

Third appointment: 
This appointment we focused on my back....and legs. He thinks my pain has started in my back and worked its way down to my foot since everything is connected. (And my back has been feeling great!) So we're hoping that with the three more appointments the pain will be gone. 

The  pain in my foot has lessened and it has moved back and up my foot a little bit, which he says is good.  I actually got on the treadmill and walked a bit yesterday....and today my foot doesn't feel too bad. He asked me to not run while going through treatment, so I'm trying to listen. I don't want to un-do any progress we've made.  

So IF this treatment has done anything, my back isn't stiff anymore when I first get up in the morning. And if the foot pain lessens, I'm happy. I don't really "get" how this works....but it seems to work. 

It's just kind of weird. 

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