Friday, March 15, 2013

The Cheese Fairy

After a mid-morning dentist appointment which left me with a new crown on the bottom left and a new filling on the top right, my chewing capability wasn't so great come lunchtime.

I wasn't drooling or anything, but I was still sort of numb and not yet willing to chomp down on something hard, hot or cold.

Raw veg? Out. Popcorn? Out. Soup? No way, Jose.

So I settled on a yogurt and a handful of trail mix. The nuts weren't too crunchy and the raisins were OK.

So, God bless the Cheese Fairy who showed up in my office long-about 4 p.m. with some cheddar, some brie and some water crackers.

She (and whatever meeting on a Friday afternoon that generated the leftovers) saved the day.

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