Monday, March 25, 2013

Jammin' to a New Soundtrack

It starts in your head, right? If you want to make a change, you have to start with your head.

So, this morning I woke up a little before my alarm. My first instinct was to think, "Crap. The alarm is going to go off in a few minutes. I'm so tired and it was a long weekend with not a lot of great sleep. I would like to  sleep in just a bit ..."

And then I caught myself.

I had made the deal with me last night before I went to sleep to NOT go down that road.

So, when that bad song started playing this morning, I changed the channel.

"I am lucky to be able to work out. I feel better all day long when I do it first thing in the morning. It helps me start the day right. I am worth it. I like working out and I hate the feelings of doubt and fear that sneak in when I don't. I am going to do it for me because I deserve to treat myself well and to feel good."

Last, but not least, "Do the right things often enough and good things happen."

With that, I rolled over, caught the last few seconds of quiet and when my alarm went off, I didn't hesitate to hop out of bed and head downstairs.

A step in the right direction feels good.

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