Sunday, March 3, 2013

He's My First Victim ... Err, Student

My husband has decided to run a 5K.

He decided to run the Habitat for Humanity 5K last year and then ended up walking it. This year, he says he's really going to run it.

So I'm spending tonight researching Couch to 5K programs.

Looks like you need 9 weeks. You run 3 days a week. The first week seems imminently doable:

Three days with rest days in between (M-W-F for instance), each day with a 5 minute fast walk warm up, then 20 minutes of alternating run/walk intervals of 60 seconds each.

So, walk one minute, run one minute, repeat 10 times.

Don't worry about speed. Don't worry about distance. Just think of how short 60 seconds is.

"You're not going to yell at me and tell me I'm doing it wrong," he says.

As if I'd do this? (OK, I would, if he was just my husband. But now he's my first coaching project, so I'm going to treat him like a total stranger.

You  know, nice-like.

1 comment:

Amber said...

GAF and I could give you a copy of our 5k plan too to add to your arsenal. It has a slower ramp up than most couch to 5k plans I've seen online.