Monday, April 29, 2013

Fear is Paralyzing

It's been almost one year since I ran my half marathon. It's been almost five months since I ran at all. 

A year ago, my work situation was pretty secure. Irritating, but steady. Today they officially told us the future would change, quickly.  

Twelve months ago, I weighed 13 pounds less than I did this morning. 

I used to feel in control and strong. Today, not so much. 

It's hard for me to believe so much has changed in such a short time. 

A dear friend and her husband visited my house on Saturday and she brought me a gift. It was this photo. 

She asked me if I recognized it. I didn't. She said it was the bridge I ran over to start my 13.1 miles in La Crosse. She had gone to school there and this shot was taken for a photography course. 

"We were supposed to take a picture of something we were afraid of," she said. "It's for your workout room." 

How did she know to hit THAT nail on the THAT head? 

In my old life, I spent a lot of time being afraid of a lot of things. The one thing I was most afraid of was failing. I'm afraid of a few things again. I'm afraid that my knee isn't going to get better. I'm afraid that I will have to give up running altogether. I'm afraid that my career is about to take a turn. I'm afraid the weight won't come off ... or that it will increase. I'm afraid that I won't be strong and in control again. 

But now, every morning, I'm going to look at that bridge. And I'm going to remember that I DID run over it. And I kept going ... farther than I thought I could. I didn't run that far because I got lucky. I ran that far because I worked hard and I earned it.

Fear is paralyzing. And useless. It prevents you from trying. 

Trying puts you in control. You aren't guaranteed to succeed. But you're a step ahead of where you started. 

Thank you, my friend. 


Amber said...

You always seem to post things like this at the perfect time. Looking at where I am now vs where I was a year/8 months ago is very frustrating and frightening. Thanks for the inspiration and what a perfect gift!

Amber said...

You always seem to post things like this at the perfect time. Looking at where I am now vs where I was a year/8 months ago is very frustrating and frightening. Thanks for the inspiration and what a perfect gift!

Miss Daisy said...

OK, Queen of Cheese, let's support each other! Catch yourself doing something RIGHT tomorrow and IM or email me. Positive affirmations work and we can build each other up!