Thursday, July 28, 2011

Afternoon Delight

I tried working out in the afternoon yesterday. (So, no ... not the afternoon delight you were thinking of!) Why? Well, a dire tragedy Wednesday morning led me to skip my regular workout. Yes, you guessed it. The storms knocked out the satellite and I didn't want to be down in the basement for an hour without TV. So I skipped. Pathetic, right?

Anyway, since Jim had a late dentist appointment and since he had thoughtfully put the turkey breast in the crockpot so there was nothing requiring my immediate attention when I got home, I had a few minutes to spare before our unofficial dinner hour.

I hustled in the back door, changed my clothes, ducked downstairs, tied my shoes and ran for 2 miles.

It felt funny to be working out at that hour of the day. In the beginning, I always worked out in the early evening. But last fall I started hitting it in the morning and haven't really looked back. I was curious to see how different it would feel.

My stretching was better/easier ... after a full day of moving, I wasn't as stiff as I normally am in the early morning. I wasn't any more or less tired during the run itself. And, it made me feel like I "earned" my dinner.

In other words, it was a nice change of pace.

I was worried that I'd feel it this morning ... that I wouldn't have enough recovery time for my 4 a.m. workout (and yes, ugh!). But it was OK.

However, I'm not going back down there tonight. I'm just too tired.

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