Sunday, July 10, 2011

Yay Me! You?

It was a good weekend in the Miss Daisy House.

I got to eat yummy Mexican food and pizza without breaking the scale. (And had a killer margarita, to boot.)

My darling husband finished painting my workout room, installed the ceiling fan and outlet covers/switch plates, and we finally agreed on a floor covering.

And ...

I ran a 5K this morning! Well, on my treadmill. As part of a 6-mile workout ... but it was 3.5 continuous miles at a moderate 5.4 pace. My knee didn't give out!

Now, to those of you who run outside, you know that my controlled environment of a lovely 75, non-humid degrees, with a fan blowing on me and the "ground" moving underneath me isn't exactly the same as battling Mother Nature. But it's the farthest I have run in a year and I'm thrilled.

How did you do? Any milestones met? Share them by commenting on this post so we can all celebrate!

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